Title: Trumphobia | |
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majorshrapnel | |
Date Posted:11/07/2018 10:16:23Copy HTML We've got to have a Trump page.
MarkUK | Share to: #241 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:23/09/2018 07:30:46Copy HTML I agree with you on this. True or not she can't claim it "ruined her life", she's had 36 years to come forward, in the meantime she's had a successful career and family life. As I said a few days ago, all it takes these days to genuinely ruin a man's career is to accuse him of something inappropriate, even it the claim goes back decades, something he can't disprove and he's done for. You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning.
Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel | Share to: #242 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:23/09/2018 09:15:49Copy HTML rape has never even been mentioned Major.
So what's he guilty of then? Putting his hand on her tit? They were teenagers, brand new. For goodness sake, you just can't equate the actions of teenagers to adults. You've been there, 15 year old with a hard-on 23 hours of everyday. Has she accused him of rape and if not, what has she accused him of? Apparently she can't remember the very basics of the situation, where they were even. Who did she tell afterwards? Girls always tell somebody and I hear some old friend has jumped in to say she was there, until somebody told the brainless fool she would then have to testify, so she ran a mile. It's the timing which rings the alarm bells. Only when Kavanah has got through all the shite the dems have thrown at him for the job, does this girl then decide to throw her hat into the ring? I don't know, something not quite right here, but, if he is guilty and be proved beyond all shadow of a doubt he is, then proceed.
PBA-3rd-1949 | Share to: #243 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:23/09/2018 07:06:38Copy HTML Gawd. Who are you getting your news from up there, PBA? It is not our Donald who is denying Mrs. Ford an FBI investigation. Oh yes it is LittlemissIdon'tbelieveanythingevenifTrumpsaidit. Even his friend in the room that night has written a book on the goings on at that high school when he and the judge attended. They would have been better to say if it did happen we were both too drunk to remember it. She has already taken a lie detector test and passed. Let's see the judge do the same. |
PBA-3rd-1949 | Share to: #244 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:23/09/2018 07:08:00Copy HTML By the way, did you get any of the rain or flooding in your area? |
majorshrapnel | Share to: #245 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:23/09/2018 08:20:01Copy HTML Lie detector test? First of all they are notoriously unreliable. You can actually go on a course which will teach you how to pass one, what does that tell you? Now, let's just take a look at this accusation. First of all it has remained in the cupboard for how many years? Secondly it never quite made it out when Kavanah was facing his Democratic Salem witch trial, or for 36 years previous to that, no, it only emerged when he was through it all and about to be nominated. Why was that? Forget PB, he'd believe her if she said she had two heads and claimed the second one appeared only when Trump won the election. Did she report this attack to the police? No, not then, when it was supposed to have happened and not now either. She's been nowhere near the police, as she decided to report it to the democrats instead, who have graciously run with the story, how noble of them? They in turn want the FBI, no less, to investigate it, Of course, they know quite well it has absolutley nothing to do with the FBI's jusistiction, it is a police matter, but they have elevated it to national status for political purposes. remember, the elections are coming up? But hold the front page! Film has now appeared of her on an anti Trump march and it has been revealed she is a radical democratic activist. No, what she is, is a stupid lamb to the slaughter, who will be abondoned by all he fair weather democrat friends so fast, if she gets exposed, that her head will spin. She's apparently going before a committee next week for questioning, in the meantime she will have a whole army of democat financed lawyers drilling her night and day as to what to say.....parrot fashion. Get your next excuses made up now Pete. |
PBA-3rd-1949 | Share to: #246 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:23/09/2018 08:51:20Copy HTML Oh sure Major, all American women go to lie detector school to learn how to tell better lies. Just ask Shula. If you say that anyone can beat the test then have the lawyer try it. You are still taking that macho male attitude that says women must speak up right away or they are lieing. She was only 15 at the time. The lawyer is the one lieing but he and his friend were so drunk at the time they can't remember it. You seem to be in a hurry to get this lawyer passed. When the Demo's nominated one while Obama was in the Republicans wouldn't even interview him for less pass him. It's called American politics in the States, we simply call it tit for tat here. |
shula | Share to: #247 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:23/09/2018 11:34:38Copy HTML We've gotten a lot of rain here, PBA, but none of the winds that Florence brought to the Carolinas where, by the way, they are still dealing with massive flooding. I'm not saying the incident didn't happen to Mrs. Ford. What I am saying is that I don't believe she could have been as traumatized as she claims. Groping guys have always been around. They were known to have Roman hands and Russian fingers (or vice versa, I don't remember). Mrs. Ford claims that she had to move to California from Maryland to "reinvent herself". Sorry but I just don't buy it. As I said before, these incidents have happened to most of us women as some time in our lives. You don't know violence until you have experienced it. If she had been brutalized, I could understand her position, but a drunk guy flopping down on top of you, come on. If that is all it takes to traumatize you then you have a pretty weak constitution. Besides, Judge Kavanaugh has been subjected to numerous backgrounds investigations in his career. Being a U.S. Court of Appeals judge is pretty big, so why wasn't anything found then? She could have come forward when he was up for confirmation then and avoided all this unwanted publicity. She will be heard, so we'll see what happens then. "It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time."
-Albert Camus-
MarkUK | Share to: #248 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:24/09/2018 07:59:57Copy HTML It is looking more like a Get Donald Exercise rather than actual reality. There are better ways to nail him; tax, fraud, corruption etc, one of them will stick.
You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning.
Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel | Share to: #249 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:24/09/2018 08:52:22Copy HTML He's got another accuser now. You hang around for 36 years waiting for one and suddenly two roll up at once. |
majorshrapnel | Share to: #250 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:24/09/2018 02:00:30Copy HTML Why has her year book from college been removed from the internet? Can't be because she bragged about the numerous drinking binges, where she couldn't remember a thing afterwards. Can it? If this man is going to be sacked, then it had better be water tight, as everybody is in real danger of setting a precedence here, a very constitutional precedence, whereby nobody will be able to stand, as a mere finger, pointed in your direction, will end your career. |
majorshrapnel | Share to: #251 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:24/09/2018 07:24:51Copy HTML Iran has issued a direct threat to the US and Israel, following the attack which Killed 25 people on a military parade. They are planning some form of reprisal now, even though both ISIS and an Iranian ethnic opposition have both claimed responsibility. Iran have chosen to ignore this admission and say they will retaliate against the US. Be careful Iran, very careful, there isn't a muslim in the White House now you know. |
PBA-3rd-1949 | Share to: #252 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:24/09/2018 07:27:18Copy HTML Did you get the flooding anywhere near you? Some rivers in the Carolinas won't crest for another couple of days and they think the water levels will rise 3 feet more by then. It's going to take time for all that water to drain because the ground was already saturated. Besides, Judge Kavanaugh has been subjected to numerous backgrounds investigations in his career. Being a U.S. Court of Appeals judge is pretty big, so why wasn't anything found then? She could have come forward when he was up for confirmation then and avoided all this unwanted publicity. She will be heard, so we'll see what happens then. They were saying that they only investigated back to 18 with him so these earlier problems might have been missed. With this second woman coming forward now and his room mate saying he had a drinking problem when he shared a room with him it doesn't sound like much but you know for sure the Demo's will jump all over it. All it will take is a couple of discontented Republicans to spoil the soap for him. |
majorshrapnel | Share to: #253 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:25/09/2018 11:56:44Copy HTML TDS is tearing your country apart. This has nothing to do with kavanah, he's just another conduit to Trump and if he has to be sacrificed to that end, then so be it, it's all in the country's interest, isn't it? I've seen some loathsome acts perpetrated through TDS so far, but this one is particularly despicable. I wouldn't mind if it had just an ounce of credibility but of course, it doesn't need it, the very accusation is now enough. Proof? Who needs it when you have the Democratic party. |
majorshrapnel | Share to: #254 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:26/09/2018 07:04:12Copy HTML What I want to know is, when this woman is proved to be a politicallt motivated liar, why won't she be charged for it? |
MarkUK | Share to: #255 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:26/09/2018 08:38:30Copy HTML Most likely neither will be able to prove it either way, it'll come down to who you believe and that I suspect will split along party lines.
You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning.
Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel | Share to: #256 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:27/09/2018 09:07:20Copy HTML There is a classic scene in the Simpsons where a women is being interviewed on tele by a female presenter over a possible assault by Homer. She’s sobbing and says she’s never met him him or had any contact with him…. but, and begins sobbing louder. The interviewer intervenes and says to her, never mind, your tears say far more than facts ever could. As I have said, why go to the Democratic party with allegations of a sexual assault? I thought it was the job of the police. Ford’s advisor was caught on tape back in July saying she had a strategy to destroy Kavanah’s election to the supreme court? Ford is a card carrying anti Trump political fanatic, who goes to a political party with a criminal charge 36 years after the event. She can’t remember the place where it happened, when it happened or who was there at the party at the time, not a one person, but the dems say we have to believe her word explicitly, which must be a new policy of theirs which Clinton’s victims were denied access to. But ‘ang on a mo’ suddenly there’s a second survivor comes forward, ok, so she says there are significant gaps in her memory, but is that any reason not to destroy a family’s life, I mean, they are Republicans after all. To back up her claim (why would she need backup? Her tears say more than facts ever could) she gives six witnesses and all six say it never happened. Is this woman totally stupid? No, she’s doing a political hatchet job and now she’s disappeared and doesn’t want anything to do with it anymore. Now the man who could comfortably win any nauseating competition, Avenatti, shows up with a third witness, all of his very own. She claims she witnessed girls being drugged and gang raped at parties and to make sure she wasn’t confused, went back six more times to these parties. Not only that, she’s unable to come up with a single name of a single person involved on either side of the mattress. Now law school students are walking out of colleges demanding that Kavanah is sacked and charged. Law students! How long is this collective madness going to go on? They’ve all found him guilty before a trial, no presumption of innocence, the very bedrock of English Common Law, the principle that has guided the free world for centuries. What separates us from the various savages of the world. The dems are deluding themselves that come what may, all this is in the interests of the country, even if it is unlawful, so is the correct way to proceed. Are they that idiotic not to believe that this will come back and bite them in exactly the same way one day? Like the Salem witch trials, following all the finger pointing, finally the finger was pointed at the judge who had sentenced the others to death and sense prevailed, but not before a few had been murdered. How many politicians on both sides will go through this until somebody calls a halt? |
MarkUK | Share to: #257 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:28/09/2018 07:48:47Copy HTML Aren't you guilty of the same thing - you want her to be a liar as much as Democrats want him to be a liar. Before any hearing you (and they) have made up your minds. With such allegations made against someone in line for a top job you have to have an investigation. In the end neither can disprove the other, which is bad news for Kavanaugh, mud sticks as they say.
My guess is that something happened, but she's exaggerated it into attempted rape.
You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning.
Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog | Share to: #258 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:28/09/2018 01:38:04Copy HTML I watched the whole debacle on T.V. & the "talking heads" view after. After 40 years investigative experience here is my spin.
Ford is telling the truth & Cavanaugh is lying. Cavanaugh was a privileged "preppie" with a drunken background from high skool & college. Kinda a wimpie guy who enjoyed partying & he got "fresh" with Ford never thinking this would come on to haunt him in later years. What Ford did before the event & after therapy is typical. Cavanaugh's adult life has been both accomplished & exemplary & this youthful misdeed should not prevent him from being confirmed as a Justice on the Supreme Court. Sad that these miscreants from the Senate should be the one's who be judging him now. Judge not lest ye be judged & these "hearings" were a disgrace. This all could have been done in a private setting without becoming the circus that it has become. The Democrats caused this in their attempt to delay the confirmation until they get their prospected majority & prevent Trump from another appointee to the SCOTUS. Senator Graham's description was spot on in this regard.
Detective Tommy
Live respected, die regretted
MarkUK | Share to: #259 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:28/09/2018 06:03:26Copy HTML It's emblematic of the chaos and disjointedness that marks Trump's Presidency. This kind of farce played out for the world to snigger at will mark everything he does.
You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning.
Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel | Share to: #260 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:28/09/2018 07:02:30Copy HTML No Mark. it's nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with Trump. Do you honerstly believe Ford would be there without Trump being President? The Dems couldn't give a shite about her past, except that she's a useful tool to damage him and the repubs before the mid term elections, that's what this is all about and nothing else. It stinks to high heaven and what these two people are doing going global about something that might have happened when they were both babies, defies imagination. |
MarkUK | Share to: #261 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:28/09/2018 08:42:13Copy HTML That's my point, it's all about Trump. In his brave new world where the normal rules of governance are suspended you have to expect the opposition to buck against it any way they can. He's torn up the rule book, but doesn't like it when others play by their own rules.
You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning.
Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel | Share to: #262 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:29/09/2018 06:53:33Copy HTML He's torn up the rule book, but doesn't like it when others play by their own rules. That's what makes him so good. As I have said in the past, as a person he's nausea central at times but as a politician he's quite brilliant. I wish we had a man like him, a man who only thinks of his own country and people, a man that is no pushover for every tinpot politician out there. He's going to confuse everybody as he has a habit of doing absolutely everything he says he's going to do and people can't get used to political honesty. The US's trade, jobs figures, industrial figures and the DOW are going though the roof, millions of Americans are benefiting from his policies and all that matters to you is you don't like him as a person. As for others playing him at his own rules, then let them, playing by his rules will benefit their country. |
shula | Share to: #263 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:29/09/2018 01:52:34Copy HTML Excellent detective work, Tom. I agree with your assessment, but Dr. Ford does remind me a bit of Carole Androsky who played Caroline Crabb in Little Big Man. Remember her? She was Jack Crabb's sister who was sure the Indians were going to rape her but they kept ignoring her. "It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time."
-Albert Camus-
majorshrapnel | Share to: #264 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:29/09/2018 06:56:27Copy HTML So, where's the lumberjack and is he OK, has he worked all day and slept all night? He's probably at some communist convention somewhere. |
tommytalldog | Share to: #265 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:29/09/2018 07:30:57Copy HTML Well thank you Shula. Anytime a Wiccan agrees with me, I take it as a compliment.
Live respected, die regretted
PBA-3rd-1949 | Share to: #266 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:30/09/2018 06:45:45Copy HTML I agree with Tommy and Shula and Tommy's take on the doctor. I had roughly 3 para's to send and when I tried, it disappeared so will keep it short because of the hour. The doctor seemed very creditable and answered every question she was asked to the best of her knowledge. On the other hand the judge seemed to want to control the whole exercise and refused to answer many of the basic question when asked. I liked Graham also Tommy but his show boating out burst this time even though mostly true was a bit over the top for me. It may come back to bit him down the road. If wouldn't surprise me if the judge comes foward before the 2 investigations are complete and sites some reasons and withdraws his name for the position. And Major, I don't know what planet your on but it isn't this one. lol |
PBA-3rd-1949 | Share to: #267 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:30/09/2018 07:34:06Copy HTML |
PBA-3rd-1949 | Share to: #268 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:30/09/2018 07:45:49Copy HTML I see the Republicans are already trying to narrow the scope of the FBI investigation. How much narrower than a week can it get? One thing being noticed by both sides is the age of the people who are now representing them. They don't just look like seniors but more like senior seniors. |
majorshrapnel | Share to: #269 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:30/09/2018 08:07:10Copy HTML I haven't watched the full interview of Ford, until tonight and that woman couldn't fart without permission. She can't answer anything that's not on a sheet infront of her, or what her lawyer giver her permission too. Call that a cross examination? It's like being attacked by a fluffy toy. Tom, you were right to quit the police when you did. |
majorshrapnel | Share to: #270 |
Re:Trumphobia Date Posted:30/09/2018 08:41:10Copy HTML PB, yet another Soviet style cartoon, totally humourless and highly pathetically political. |