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Date Posted:11/07/2018 10:16:23Copy HTML

We've got to have a Trump page. 
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1621
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Date Posted:17/10/2019 04:28:44Copy HTML

I see it in the service clubs here, Major. Young men sans arms & legs add the mental scars for life. And for what? We don't need their oil anymore so much for "American interests." You & Trump are spot on.......see shithole.
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1622
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Date Posted:17/10/2019 08:10:50Copy HTML

Rachel Madcow.  PBA, you belong in stand-up comedy.I see your model-turned-prime minister has a major endorsement from your man-crush Obama.  I call that election interference.  If you loved Obama so much, why aren't you supporting Trudeau?  They are two peas in a pod.Never heard of her Littlemissheadintheclouds. Is she on Fox?  I just mention to Art in an e-mail that Obama was indorsing Trudeau. Maybe Obama is thinking of moving up here and needs a sponsor to get him in. Actually he's up here more than most people know about. Trump is hated in this country over the NAFTA deal and calling us a security thread to America and using that for an excuse to put heavy tariffs on us.  Obama left it alone. Maybe he just comes up to buy American drugs at 1/5 the prices that Americans are forced to pay for them. I'm surprised Bernie didn't come up for the better doctors we have up here to get his ticker fixed. Canadians made the same mistake that America did last time by electing someone who things he's an actor. My question to all parties running here is simple. What are you going to do for our ageing population? So far the only ones to mention anything are the Conservatives so that's why I now have this double sign on my front lawn. I may have supported a Republican in the States if it hadn't been Trump.  Pelosi played Trump like a fiddle yesterday causing him to go into melt down. The only thing she said was all roads lead to Putin. Why would that up set him so much. Hee, I guess the truth hurts. Then Pence goes to Turkey to try and clean up the mess that Trump made by giving the green light to Turkey to move on the Kurds. The Turks say they want a 20 mile buffer zone but are already 35 miles into Syria. The Kurds have towns, villages and cities in that area and after hundreds of years are now told to move further out into the desert in so many hours. This is how you treat your allies that bore most of the weight and fighting and lost 6 thousand of their soldiers doing it. Then to move 14 thousand American troops to Saudi land to defend them because you family has business ties with them and they give you money to run your campaigns on under the table just doesn't make sense to people with any sense at all. I don't know who will get in power for you in 2020 but who ever it is will spend the first four years trying to earn back the respect of the world that Trump has lost for you. It's pretty bad when no ones trusts you now enough to call you a friend. Trump goes on about other countries not paying their own share. I just heard that Trump hasn't bothered to pay his UN dues since he's has been in office. Sounds something like Do as I say, not as I do.IMG_5726.JPG

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1623
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Date Posted:17/10/2019 11:59:20Copy HTML

No doubt the Russians will get into hot water over this, but the point is about America's role under Trump. It seems to be retreat and let Russia take over. President Assad will thrive after this, not what the West wants to see. Also we see a retreat from the world stage by Trump's America, it's place to be taken by Putin's Russia, not the image we expect from Trump after all his talk.
All over the world today the abiding image is of US retreat and Russian gain. Putin 1 - Trump 0. The average American just doesn't seem to get it Mark. The rest of the world does though and that should bother them. If the Turks had committed genocide to the Kurds which was sure to happen like they had done before to the Armenians, would Trump and American go down in the history books as the cause of it?

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1624
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Date Posted:18/10/2019 01:36:38Copy HTML

Sadly, I think you really believe the crap CNN is shoveling.  We now have a ceasefire agreement with Turkey.  Not one American soldier has died.  You might not like that but I guarantee there are a lot of American mothers who like it.  Pelosi did not play Trump like a fiddle.  She is the one who had the meltdown.  She's a demented old woman who cannot hold on to her job. 
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1625
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Date Posted:18/10/2019 01:38:24Copy HTML

I sincerely hope that Obama does move to Canada.  You think he is buying your drugs?  Got news for you: Obama pays NOTHING for his healthcare or his drugs.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1626
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Date Posted:18/10/2019 05:43:58Copy HTML

Not one American soldier has died.  No, but 11 thousands Kurds have died defending that same cause and letting Trump take the glory for it..

You don't pull troops out with not knowing the full consequence of you actions on your allies. A true Republican, a good speech mixed with humour. Well worth a listen through.

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1627
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Date Posted:18/10/2019 06:12:10Copy HTML

I sincerely hope that Obama does move to Canada.  You think he is buying your drugs?  Got news for you: Obama pays NOTHING for his healthcare or his drugs.

I'm not talking about the type of drugs you have to see a doctor for LittlemissNOTHING. This is Canada, weed and Viagra are cheap and legal. Do you really think that they check the x President of the United States back pack when he flies home?

I hear that CBD oil is all the rage down there now and I think also legal. A lot of seniors are now trying it for their aches and pain. I think it was last week here they started allowing eatables to be sold legally.

Obama may take a summer home or rent one but for him to move and live here he would have to pay Canadian Taxes and then American Taxes after.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1628
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Date Posted:18/10/2019 07:44:19Copy HTML

If the Turks had committed genocide to the Kurds which was sure to happen like they had done before to the Armenians, would Trump and American go down in the history books as the cause of it? Has it ever occurred to you that the Kurds have killed thousands of Turks? Men women and children. Don't you think the Americans should get their soldiers in there right now to protect the Turks? After all, the Kurds have been running a campaign of terrorism in Turkey for decades, bombing innocents on the streets and what have the Yanks done about it, nothing. By the way, what have you got against the Russians? Why can't they be allowed to sacrifice their men for Turkey and Islam? Why leave them out? The Kurds and Turks have been murdering each other for a century, why always is it that the west has to sacrifice their sons to Islam's latest genocide? My brother in law, who's passed on now, lived with a girl who already had a son, a son who thought the world of him. When Ronnie died he decided to join the army, he was just nineteen when he was blown up, along with five others in Iraq, in one of the worse incidents for the British army there. He couldn't point to Iraq on a map, he knew nothing about the place, its people or culture, yet he died for it. His mother was devastated and broke down at the funeral, calling out why? Why indeed we all thought, it's not his fight and where is the British army now after all the deaths? Is Iraq any better off for their sacrifice? Are the Iraqis holding annual commemoration ceremonies for all those dead Brits? The government just ups and leaves and thanks the soldiers for their service by allowing grubby little solicitors to pursue those young lads through courts on behalf of Iraqis looking to get rich and d'you know what? We pay for it, we give foreigners the money to pursue our own soldiers through our own courts. Enough, fuck'em. You don't see Blairs sons in the army fighting on the front line, no, they're lined up from birth for a job in politics, where they can play their lucrative games in comfort and safety. Trump will get plenty of arguments from the prize hypocrites of the left but he'll get no arguments from the families of the soldiers coming home and that's one fact you can bank.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1629
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Date Posted:18/10/2019 12:08:30Copy HTML

Of course Turkey is a NATO ally. Pete you played NATO soldier for most of your career eh?
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1630
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Date Posted:18/10/2019 07:29:52Copy HTML

Of course Turkey is a NATO ally. Pete you played NATO soldier for most of your career eh?

Funny that you said that Tommy because not once in my 29 yrs did I ever see or hear of the Turks doing anything with NATO. They were only a member of NATO in name only. As a matter of fact Canadian UN troops were forced to face off with them in Cyprus when they invaded the Island. They started firing on the Canadian positions which were well marked and known until the Canadian's in self defence opened up on them with a 50 cal machine gun until the incoming shots stopped. During that tour it was RCR that were manning our positions. A Turk officer came up to the Canadian position under a white flag and apologized to the Canadians for what he called a mistake by his men. I known there were 4-5 Turks killed because I served with the 50 cal man in Egypt so got to hear the whole story first hand. They also in front of the Canadians shot two of their own men for falling asleep at their post. If they were caught sleeping the first time they had their heads shaved bald for all to see. The second time they weren't even woken up but shot in the head where they slept by the officer that discovered them. Got no use for the Turks Tommy.

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1631
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Date Posted:18/10/2019 07:34:45Copy HTML

She is the one who had the meltdown.  She's a demented old woman who cannot hold on to her job. 

Were you in the room Shula, didn't recognize you in the picture. Even Republicans in the room don't agree with your Fox news view.

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1632
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Date Posted:18/10/2019 08:10:33Copy HTML

When you volunteer to join the military Major the last thing you think about is maybe being killed in a conflict. If you did, no one would serve. It's all about duty to country and what your country stands for. People don't serve because they have a death wish. I had at least 20 friends I knew that died in training accidents and not one of them was on a battle field. I imagine their mothers, wives and children mourned for them also and thought that their lives were lost in vain. War is a terrible thing and something not to be taken lightly and the scars caused by them never go away.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1633
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Date Posted:19/10/2019 07:38:56Copy HTML

I'm well aware of that Pete but I also believe people join the forces knowing that they might give their life for their own country, I don't think they want to sacrifice it for another, especially one with a brutal, illogical culture they cannot begin to understand, admire or even like. As a parent i believe you hold a certain resignation if your child is killed fighting for their own land or people and the last time we did that was in the Falkland's war. I saw a lot of bereaved parents but i can't say I recall any who considered their child died for nothing. When was the last time you heard of an enemy offering $50.000 for a captured British or American service woman? Give that truly horrendous scenario some thought. Iraq was an illegal war, illegally concocted and many good service people died for political ambition and vanity. We had an army in Iraq, following this charade, under the pretext they were there to help the country, so why were they barricaded inside armed compounds, bombed day and night and couldn't leave to 'protect' the people without being in armed convoys. Blair had an awful lot of blood on his hands and there was no way his kids would ever be put in that harm's way. Soldiers dying in accidents are completely different. When I was in the building game back in the 60's and 70's, there were more men killed, injured and maimed in the building trade than the armed forces, police and fire brigade all put together. Accidents happen, and accidents did happen and it was just one of those facts which had to be accepted. Do you know what? When my girl got back, she was sent a letter a few years later actually asking her if she knew anything or could possibly give evidence against certain soldiers the lawyer slime were chasing to enrich iraqi terrorists and themselves of course, so where were the politicians on this? All rubbing their chins in feigned disgust and doing sod all about it, it's no wonder the army is struggling to get recruits.

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1634
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Date Posted:19/10/2019 09:47:27Copy HTML

A lot of the deaths we had were not caused my human error but by the poor equipment we were stuck using. Not saying we didn't have vehicles cut in half by American M-60 dozer tanks or men that were dropped in the Ottawa river by mistake carrying 80 lbs of weight on them.

I never heard anyone in my years even mentioning that there was even a chance of dying on any deployments. It just was never mentioned or discussed.  

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1635
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Date Posted:20/10/2019 11:05:05Copy HTML

C'mon Pete, you are talking of "friendly fire" here which is an occurrence in every war/confrontation. Most kids join the military in my little corner of the world for job opportunity, that God, country & apple pie stuff is just B.S. Unless of course your career is over & you are sitting at the bar at your local Legion spinning tales of daring do. In my case I joined the Navy Reserve after being drafted by the Army. See the Vietnam era.
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1636
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Date Posted:20/10/2019 09:49:37Copy HTML

C'mon Pete, you are talking of "friendly fire" here which is an occurrence in every war/confrontation. Most kids join the military in my little corner of the world for job opportunity, that God, country & apple pie stuff is just B.S. Unless of course your career is over & you are sitting at the bar at your local Legion spinning tales of daring do. In my case I joined the Navy Reserve after being drafted by the Army. See the Vietnam era.

I actually joined to see more of the world and knew that I probably wouldn't be able to afford it other wise Tommy. I had talked to my father on combat and he also said it was never discussed among them. Sure they would talk about close calls or a rough situation but no one though it would be them that died. Now the first war I imagine would be the same to only a point because so many were being killled each day it turned into a numbers game and every man knew it. How many soldiers in that war started in 1914 and lasted to 1918 and lived to come home. Not many.

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1637
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Date Posted:20/10/2019 11:30:16Copy HTML

Trump has been told no to having the G-7 at his golf course. He blames the media and demo's for it but it was his own party that put the breaks on it.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1638
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Date Posted:21/10/2019 07:40:57Copy HTML

The American public have been duped if they think the troops in Syria are coming home, they're being redeployed to Iraq, only marginally less dangerous.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1639
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Date Posted:21/10/2019 01:46:00Copy HTML

Your father is most likely correct Pete. Who would want to relive the horror of real combat & the one's blathering about it at the Legions are probably full of shite.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1640
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Date Posted:21/10/2019 06:04:11Copy HTML

OK a bit of history re: America's treatment of our Kurdish allies. The leader of the Kurdish delegation arrived at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 with the optimism of Woodrow Wilson's words of self-determination. Since the Ottoman Empire was destroyed the Kurds were now promised their own homeland & their long oppression by the evil Turks was finally over. Instead Wilson signed off on new national boundaries & Britain & France divided the Kurds between Turkey, Iraq, Iran, & Syria. Fast forward to the 70's & the U.S. encouraged Iraqi Kurds to rebel against Saddam Hussein who was the chief rival of American ally, the Shah of Iran. But a year later the Shah & Saddam struck a deal & the U.S. cut off support leaving thousands of Kurds to be slaughtered by the Iraqi military. Kissinger explained this betrayal by replying, "Covert action should not be confused with missionary work." In 1991 following Operation Desert Storm, President George H.W. Bush said the U.S. would support a popular uprising against Saddam. Iraq's Kurds did rise up, American support never came, & the Kurds were gassed by the thousands. So Trump may have angered the Syrian Kurds but historically it certainly couldn't have surprised them. That is my knowledge of American History with the Kurds, I would wager the British history with their kind is even worse & more devious. Please advise.
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1641
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Date Posted:21/10/2019 08:01:08Copy HTML

Fell sorry for the American troops being ordered out and now being pelted with rotten fruit and vegetables along the way. It doesn't bother people back home but I know it will effect the mind set of all American servicemen.  If you remember back Tommy the Turks would not let the Americans fly over or use their bases while going after Iraq. They have never really been NATO allies. Trump had them build a Trump tower there and now has other rich Turks wanting to built. With Graham now saying the Trump didn't give the Turks a green but only a yellow light he's full of crap. With Trump it was about keeping his business interests in tact with the Turks.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1642
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Date Posted:21/10/2019 08:54:02Copy HTML

C'mon Pete, baby Trump said on T.V. that Trump Enterprises have given up business so as not to appear as a conflict of interest. Plus Daddy Trump donates his salary as POTUS to charity, add the cancelled G7 meeting at Trump's golf course in Fla. was pro-bono which is Latin for free. I remember the Mon-Signor using that term for getting something for free from the altar boys. Anyway, apparently you ungrateful Canucks don't realize what a generous person our Trump is. In his own words, "I am the most generous human being in the history of the world."
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1643
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Date Posted:22/10/2019 09:22:40Copy HTML

And the sad thing Tommy is people believe that. Every day it's like watching another episode of a soap and Trump is playing Victor.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1644
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Date Posted:23/10/2019 09:23:11Copy HTML

Whilst the whimps up north are continuing their masochistic tendencies at the poles, in the US the left wing media are facing a crisis, with 7200 jobs disappearing in the last 12 months, including the closing down of two lefty news outlets. Paradoxically, most lefty stations and newspapers are actually subsidised by the capitalist system they hate, which makes you wonder who the turkeys are or what they're doing shoring these dreamers up but forget the ethics, these presstitues will take money from anybody. Three years ago this seemed impossible, as the globalist left slithered across the west and one size fits all politics marched relentlessly on but then Farage, followed by Trump happened and slowly but surely the nationalist message has spread and the nationals in many western countries are reestablishing their individual cultures and taking pride once more in who and what they are and have achieved. The left is all about apologising for who you are and what you were. It's all about instilling a guilt complex throughout the west, especially amongst whites, with white males topping the list of those who need to openly repent for the sins of their ancestors. The Judaeo, Christian west needs to reestablish a strong belief in its importance and influence in the building of this modern world and enthusiastically embrace its achievements and stop the left instilling a guilt complex in them because it's only the west that will cure the world's problems in the future.

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1645
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Date Posted:23/10/2019 11:45:39Copy HTML

Your father is most likely correct Pete. Who would want to relive the horror of real combat & the one's blathering about it at the Legions are probably full of shite.Who really took a beating at the Canadian Legions were the Zombies. These were the ones conscripted near the end of the war and weren't volunteers. Most never made it over sea. The first thing asked when ever someone bragged about their heroics was what was their service number. Right away it gave away that you were a Zombie and were full of it.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1646
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Date Posted:24/10/2019 12:59:22Copy HTML

In my era we had the draft. When I listen to the old heros talking of tales of daring do I ask them what their service # was. If they were RA they were regular army, volunteers, if they were US they were drafted. Of course the follow-up question would be if you were not drafted would you have volunteered. The answer is obvious.
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1647
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Date Posted:24/10/2019 04:56:20Copy HTML

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1648
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Date Posted:24/10/2019 08:42:28Copy HTML

Graham has always had a foot in both camps and has attacked Trump most vociferously in recent years but he understands one thing, you cannot run a democracy behind closed doors. Schiff is doing that right now, in secret, with no other people but TDS sufferers allowed. What are the differences between now and when Clinton was impeached? First off, it was authorised by a public vote, there is no public vote for Trump. The whole  house of representatives to have access to all the evidence, whereas Trump or the repubs, not a single one, has access to what Schiff is cooking up in a private room in the Senate. He has so called witnesses, yet none of them can be questioned by any other people. He has a whistleblower, who nobody knows, who he illegally coached before he came forward and we now know he has worked for Biden and is a democratic activist. All Clintons legal representatives had the right to question witnesses, Trump's have no rights to question witnesses, I mean, how can this happen? Subpoena powers were granted to Clinton's lawyers, no subpoena powers are grated to Trump's team. Schiff might not speak to the repubs, but he secretly leaks information to the lefty press almost every day and they run with it without asking a single question. They tried Russia, it failed, so they move on to Ukraine and they know that's dead in the water, so we move on to the next tactic and when that's proved crap, they invent another. Meanwhile, we are still awaiting AG Barr's investigation results and the results of the FISA scandal, which the dems know will destroy them. They just have to get Trump in any way they can before the election, as they are going to be eaten alive by him. I saw Graham say.... judge me by my enemies and let's face it, Rice was one useless, catastrophe.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1649
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Date Posted:24/10/2019 08:58:27Copy HTML

I think that political coverage in the media in the US is absolute crap. They're mostly just nodding donkeys, with a few exceptions. At least I've seen a number of dems on FOX arguing their point, I've never and say they suspected all along and it was the Russians. ever seen an opposing voice on the lefty's channels. I watch them and think..... why don't you question that? You might think I'm joking, but if somebody went on CNN or MSLSD and declared that Trump's turds were green and glowed in the dark, they'd all dutifully nod and say it was the fault of the Russians and alarmingly believe it.
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1650
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Date Posted:25/10/2019 01:01:03Copy HTML

In my era we had the draft. When I listen to the old hero's talking of tales of daring do I ask them what their service # was. If they were RA they were regular army, volunteers, if they were US they were drafted. Of course the follow-up question would be if you were not drafted would you have volunteered. The answer is obvious.

Yours and Britain's was never considered a professional army until you both got rid of the draft. Even though the British weren't, they were very well trained and well disciplined soldiers while yours were poorly trained and lacked discipline. As I have said here before when your draft stopped it was a very noticeable change in your military and how they worked and trained. It was like a complete reboot. No more let's keep throwing in untrained soldier into battle and hoping with shear numbers that we will win.  You will notice now that your military works in smaller highly traded units which are assigned pacific tasks and objectives. Also noticable the way your different branches of service now work together much better together than before. The average private now doesn't have to be as concerned and lost if his officer is down because he is now capable of carrying on calling down and directing fire himself from artillery or air support. This was never something taught to the conscript soldier in your day. The battle field has now become a highly technical place were you need to make sure yours forces have all the skills, training including cross training, intel and best equipment afforded to them and right now that seems to be happening and working well for America.

Your men were never shy on volunteering. If they were they would have never freely crossed the border and joined the Canadian Military in the first and second war. When many crossed the border again the next time they knew Vietnam was an unjustified war and that their Government was supporting a corrupt failing government and they wanted no part of it. 

Just an add on Tommy. If America had gone into Vietnam with trained forces and fought it useing guerrilla warfare instead of conventional tactics they may have done much better. The British were always the experts in this field of fighting. As it was you used the same tactics the French tried and lost by doing it. America just repeated their same mistakes. 

There can't be too many vets from the second war left so are you talking to Korean and Vietnam Vets??

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