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Date Posted:06/07/2018 07:10:07Copy HTML

We shall argue on the beaches, we shall argue in the streets, we shall argue in the fields and in the hills, we shall never agree.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #391
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:03/01/2019 06:31:37Copy HTML

Thank you. And Greystar don't think we only want you as a conduit to Shula, we want you on here all the time!
You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
Greystarfish1 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #392
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:04/01/2019 01:18:55Copy HTML

 Mark, I am here. I read the posts. I do not waste my time arguing and throwing stones. I sent Shula a Facebook PM.

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #393
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:04/01/2019 04:02:39Copy HTML

I didn't realize I had been gone so long.  Thanks for coming after me, Teresa.  These guys will rat me out every time!

"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #394
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:04/01/2019 08:39:31Copy HTML

Good to have you back, we'll have to put a tag on you in future! As for Greystar half the fun is baiting each other and with Trump around it's all too easy. Having said that I do my best to steer us towards proper history ie World War I history and Royal Date of the Day, who could ask for more!
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #395
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:04/01/2019 08:50:38Copy HTML

You've heard of the three Musketeers? Well we're the four headbangers
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #396
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:04/01/2019 06:23:45Copy HTML

Hey Pete, the stock market is rocketing up after the crash yesterday when Pelosi got the gavel. Shall we give Trump the credit?
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #397
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:04/01/2019 06:27:13Copy HTML

You've heard of the three Musketeers? Well we're the four headbangers.

There are only two Musketeers here, Mark and myself. The other two are more like Siegfried and Roy.

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #398
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:04/01/2019 06:38:13Copy HTML

Hey Pete, the stock market is rocketing up after the crash yesterday when Pelosi got the gavel. Shall we give Trump the credit?

Nothing to do with Pelosi, try the Apple stocks drop and the company blamed Trumps trade deals with China being 50% of their business. Todays rally was after the news of more jobs and better wages.

Hope everyone had a Happy New Year.

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #399
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:05/01/2019 12:02:46Copy HTML

I don't know about giving Trump credit for the rocketing stock market, but he is selling rice to China and I find that noteworthy.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #400
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:05/01/2019 03:43:05Copy HTML

It was either rice or cars and the Chinese picked rice, so what does that tell you aboat the cars you make??

They also make up 50% of Apple sales.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #401
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:05/01/2019 08:59:53Copy HTML

No, the Apple crash had to do with the Chinks stealing their stuff.......like they do with all American companies who do the R&D. Trump is trying to put them in line & you Canucks can ride in on his coat-tails. Like always.
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #402
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:05/01/2019 09:53:45Copy HTML

It seems then that you have sloppy security again at your American companies. No different I guess that you had while building your atom bombs when Russia took all your securites from the inside. It's a dog eat dog world we seem to live in. Nothing changes.

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #403
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:06/01/2019 07:08:59Copy HTML

Trump could write a book on how to compose a proper apology letter and Canadians would put it on the best seller list.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #404
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:06/01/2019 09:06:53Copy HTML

Any thing Trump writes would be put on the fiction shelve here Littlemissmissing. He would be better off writing one on the 6000+ lies he has told his small naive followers who swallow everything hook line and sinker. What party are you going to join once the Republicans bury themselves on the White House lawn. Probably be a Warren supporter, right? lol

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #405
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:07/01/2019 02:33:37Copy HTML

You can laugh if I'm wrong in two years, but at this point I sincerely hope Warren is the best the democrats have to offer.  So far I think the democrats have about 20+ candidates for the nomination.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #406
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:07/01/2019 02:59:04Copy HTML

You can laugh if I'm wrong in two years, but at this point I sincerely hope Warren is the best the democrats have to offer.  So far I think the democrats have about 20+ candidates for the nomination.

Lets hope that she isn't. lol The Demo's will make the same mistake that the Republican made. Too many candidates to choose from and the vote ends up getting split too much. Right now Trump seems to be on a suicide mission over this wall. Besides the farmers, he now has roughly a million government workers up set over his self induced shut down. 

I don't think the pain of it has really been felt enough yet. It will soon be the longest shut down in American history.

They are saying that a lot of the new jobs open now are in healthcare fields.

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #407
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:07/01/2019 03:19:28Copy HTML

I still don't understand your opposition to the United States having defined borders.  I can't imagine that Canada liked it when our outlaws (in the north) headed for Canada to escape the law and I doubt Mexico liked it much when our outlaws (in the south) headed for Mexico to escape authorities.  We will have our wall and it will, as it does now, have doors through which qualified immigrants may enter.  We are processing hundreds of applicants every day in spite of what you've heard.  There is a clear path to entry here and we intend to keep it that way.  If you don't believe me, just go to YouTube where you can see speeches by presidents as far back as Reagan (and probably beyond), with Clinton and Obama as well proclaiming the need for border security.  As I said, it's a matter of semantics, wall or fence.  Trump was right when he said that if you don't have borders you don't have a country.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #408
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:07/01/2019 09:26:36Copy HTML

I just don't think the present anti wallers have given this any thought, other than..... Trump is for it, so we're against it. They never uttered a whimper when Clinton and Obarmy were wielding shovels, they just dutifully supplied nodding empty heads. Millions of republicans were right behind Obarmy when he was building his barrier, as they are logical people. Dems, or TDS sufferers, thought their wall was wonderful but somehow a Trump wall is useless, in fact, any wall is useless but let me tell you this, a wall is a solid, quantifiable manifestation of intent, of fact and law. They send out a message of territory that will be defended, whether it be your own garden wall, or the Berlin wall. Walls work.
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #409
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:08/01/2019 12:01:43Copy HTML

You both Shula and the Major are spreading false news by saying that the Democrates don't want border security when they do. They can't agree that a wall is going to end all your security problems like Trump is preaching that it will though. Even the security experts don't agree with Trump on the wall. Trump is only trying to satisfy his shrinking base supporters.

As for all your bad guys heading up to the promised land for cover. We have an extradiction treaty with the States and when they surface up here they will be send back to the States. The only ones that we won't ship back are ones facing the death penalty in one of your States that still allows it. During the Vietnam War we did allow draft dodgers to stay because we felt it was an unjust war of your own making and the country of the United States wasn't in direct attack from another country. You will remember when American soldiers tried it again after they had on their own accord volenteered to serve in your military they were sent back.

Tomorrow Trump will visit the southern border and he will probably have pro-wall supports with him to push his point. All hog wash of course. I made a mistake about the number of lies Trump has told the American people. I said over 6 thousand when it's really over 7000. All have been fact checked and all are still lies.

You already have a wall Shula and it does need repair in places but to build a wall from coast to coast is not just a few billions but more like hundreds of billions and many places cross mountains and lakes etc. , so would be impossibie to construct. It's your border crossing that need the first ungrade, that and your postal service.

I'm glad to hear that Trump has switched from wanting a cement wall to one made from steel. America at the moment doesn't produce enough steel to handle the job so will have to buy ours at a higher price because Trump put tarriffs on it. As you know any tarriff you put on us we in turn just raise the price and pass the cost on to the American consumer. In resent polls only 39%of Americans want a wall built while 61% say they just want security up graded along the border. Even the Governor of Texas is saying no wall. Trump has to start learning he just isn't President to his small base but President to all.

How about a complete dome Shula. Wouldn't that be better to cover America with that just an old steel wall around it. Then at lease you would be able to see out.

What you should be worrying about more is how America is destroying the world's air and with carbon emissions causing not just local but global warming. A dome would also keep all that bad air in and save the rest of us.

You think that you are proccessing things at the border fast to allow refugee claimant in but your not. You take away funding from the poor countries to your south and in turn the caravans start showing up looking for a better life. America is becoming it's own worst enemy.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #410
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:08/01/2019 08:38:11Copy HTML

A dome, or roof as I called it, was something I suggested 18 months ago, that should satisfy the most ardent Trumpite.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #411
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:08/01/2019 10:19:27Copy HTML

You both Shula and the Major are spreading false news by saying that the Democrates don't want border security when they do. They can't agree that a wall is going to end all your security problems like Trump is preaching that it will though. Even the security experts don't agree with Trump on the wall. Trump is only trying to satisfy his shrinking base supporters. You watch fake news CNN Pete and thus must know that the Dems want ICE eradicated. Is that what you call border security? Get rid of border security? They constantly stand up, sobbing in to handkerchiefs and ridiculing the Repubs for being frightened of those poor, defenceless, homeless saints crossing the borders illegally by the millions. Unfortunately for you lot, Trump's support is higher than the previous idiot at this stage of his presidency. Tomorrow Trump will visit the southern border and he will probably have pro-wall supports with him to push his point. All hog wash of course. I made a mistake about the number of lies Trump has told the American people. I said over 6 thousand when it's really over 7000. All have been fact checked and all are still lies. HA! I think that equates to about ten a day. Busy little lad, isn't he? Now, he tells ten a day and they're all fact checked are they? The dems must have a fact checking team a thousand strong, employed on a full time basis. Here's a fact for you, you'll soak up any shite on Trump they feed you, no matter how ridiculous. What you should be worrying about more is how America is destroying the world's air and with carbon emissions causing not just local but global warming. A dome would also keep all that bad air in and save the rest of us. Tell me, what has Canada done about my concerns over the amount of huge, gas guzzling, air polluting monster shopping trolleys everybody is driving over there? There's no hypocrite like an eco hypocrite. You take away funding from the poor countries to your south and in turn the caravans start showing up looking for a better life. America is becoming it's own worst enemy. You take away funding and they just might start looking after themselves. The billions poured into Africa over the years has had a great deal of unintended, destructive consequences.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #412
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:08/01/2019 12:41:27Copy HTML

What you should be worrying about more is how America is destroying the world's air and with carbon emissions causing not just local but global warming. A dome would also keep all that bad air in and save the rest of us. I've checked and Canada is the third biggest polluter on the planet per head of capita and you're in 7th place overall. So, although you have just over half the population of Britain, you pollute more. So when do you begin on your dome for the sake of the rest of us?
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #413
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:08/01/2019 11:36:18Copy HTML

It's obvious that you haven't taken a drive in awhile up that eastern shore line of Lake Huron and seen the thousands of meg wind turbines erected there now. I checked your Trump facts and we are at #10 not #4. Here is the list in order for the top 10.

China, USA, India, Russia, Japan, Germany, Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Canada. The only reason Britain isn't on the list is it's hard to get a proper reading in a place where it's either raining or covered in fog all the time.

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #414
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:08/01/2019 11:50:55Copy HTML

Talk about ICI, a rep was on TV has night and and also said a wall isn't the answer. He said the same thing I have suggested, fixing of the existing fencing where necessary, giving the border security better man power and modern equipment and up grading the postal service.

He also said the drug problem is at under manned border crossing, shipping entry ports and Postal services.

ICI was also in place during Obamas terms.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #415
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:09/01/2019 11:58:41Copy HTML

China, USA, India, Russia, Japan, Germany, Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Canada. The only reason Britain isn't on the list is it's hard to get a proper reading in a place where it's either raining or covered in fog all the time. I said per capita, you are the third biggest polluters on the planet. What I have I been telling you about those 5 litre shopping trolleys? And what do you mean covered in fog all of the time, I haven't seen any fog all day yet.
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #416
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:09/01/2019 09:10:06Copy HTML

Our far north is covered is muskeg and usually frozen and covered in snow. Now it's not anymore with the world warming. Muskeg is acidic soil made up of rotted plant materials. When it is exposed it warms up and starts the rotting all over again which releases methane gases to the air. You have heard of swamp gas, well this much the same but on a much larger scale. This problem is reconized by top scientists but not by the average Joe.

Canada’s 347 million hectares (ha) of forest make up 9% of the world’s forests. Twenty-four percent of the world’s boreal forests are found within Canada’s borders. Much of Canada’s forest land is in remote, sparsely populated areas and is not under the same pressure to be cleared for agriculture or urban development as forests in many other countries. Canada has nearly 10 ha of forest land per person, more than 17 times the world average. Trees are good and filter the bad stuff out of the air but on the other hand when forests go dry with lack of rain then the fires start and the air quality suffers.

Forest area per capita is a measure of the amount of forest land per person in a certain area.

PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #417
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:09/01/2019 09:31:12Copy HTML

If we switched to puddle jumper car like you all drive we would be scared to drive to the supermarket far less across the whole country.

Electric cars would be nice if they could go further that to the corner store, but so far to drive one here the only place really to recharge it is at home. The country is far to large to put enough charging stations from coast to coast. Semi trucks are a problem for me since we stopped shipping most things by rail. The 401 which I'm sure you have been on is now considered the busiest highway in North America. Think of the polution that it causes each day with it's bumper to bumper traffic. A lot of people here travel over a hundred kms one way just to get to work. We just can't walk to work like you can on the Island.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #418
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:09/01/2019 11:15:20Copy HTML

Pete are you still driving the Caravan?
PBA-3rd-1949 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #419
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:10/01/2019 06:36:08Copy HTML

Yes, and I like it 100% better than my 09 I had. The 09's major and pretty well only problems was with the braking system. The disc brake caliper sliders were the problem and would stick. This one pretty well has everything extra and I'm surprised how much of it I actually use. I think the 09 had a 3.3 engine and they not come standard with a 3.6. I like it for Sunday drives and the longer ones also. I would buy another one. This one is a 2016 and I have 51,600 km's on it. Almost half of that would be highway driving or trips. 51,600 is roughly 32,000 mi.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #420
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:10/01/2019 08:40:14Copy HTML

If we switched to puddle jumper car like you all drive we would be scared to drive to the supermarket far less across the whole country. Yes, I did notice a few pot-holes in the 401, so you're right, stick with the 5lts shopping trolleys until they're filled in. Best be safe than sorry eh?
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